Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

10 Countries Smoker in The World

Diposting oleh Novita Indah Carlina di 02.25

Based on the WHO report with Statistics Total of smokers 1.35 billion people

Cigarettes contain more than 4000 chemical compounds and at least 400 toxic substances. Research has shown that smoking reduces life expectancy by seven to eight years. Of the 300 people who die every day as a result of smoking, many are comparatively young smokers. The number of people under the age of 70 who die from smoking-related diseases exceeds the total figure for deaths caused by breast cancer, AIDS, traffic accidents and drug addiction. Non-smokers and ex-smokers can also look forward to a healthier old age than smokers.

And this 10 countries smoker in the world.

1.       Rusia has 16% smokers in the country and this the greatest total smoker in the other country.

2.       Jepang has 14% smokers in the country and this the second total smokers in the other.

3.       Turki has 12% smokers in the country and this the third total smokers in the other.

4.       Indonesia has 11% smokers in the country with third most populated country of the other country and this really concerned. And fourth total smokers in the other country. And Indonesia has the same precentation with China.

5.       China has 11% smokers in the country with highest total population of the country among other countries. And the seventh total smokers in the other country. Have same precentation with Indonesia

6.       Jerman has 10% smokers in the country and this the sixth total smokers in the other country

7.       Bangladesh has 9% smokers in the country and this the seventh total smokers in the other country.

8.       Amerika Serikat has 7% smokers in the country, and this the eighth total smokers in the other country.

9.     India has 5% smokers in the country with second most pupulated country of the other country.  And this the lowest total smokers in the other country

10.   Brazil has 5% smokers in the country with the lowest total smokers in the other country. And have the same percentation with India

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